The Complete Real Estate

Marketing Mastery Academy

Get All the Strategies, Training and Support You will Ever Need... Completely Accelerate and Scale Your Real Estate Business...

Your Digital Marketing 6 Stage Roadmap ... turning your database into an Audience that will always want to hear from you!
(and finally change the way you have been prospecting forever!)

(Please Watch The Whole Video Before Signing Up)

Enough of Those Expensive Marketing Companies
Selling Confusion for Big Monthly Bills!

Rather than adding to the marketing puzzle that often leads to more confusion and can overwhelm you, we've created a simple and effective learning system that can take your business, from what you are doing now, to finding your perfect strategy that can launch your Real Estate Business into a self sustaining, lead generating machine.

Digital Agent Elementary Courses

What's it all about?
Understanding the Journey!

Where to start?
Awareness is Everything!

Essential Beginnings!
The Obvious Essentials

The Strategic Digital Marketing Roadmap

Identify You​r Target Market

Develop insights into the Target Area you are working in, who you will be serving, demographics, farm area, avatars and area eco-systems.
Find the Ideal Customer for your business. 

Discover Your Audience

Where do you Manage all your Data you have about your market? Learn how to ensure you have an Audience Worth Talking to. Discover that your Audience in now far greater than the list on your phone.

Craft Your Digital Platform

​Digital Profile includes your Website, Facebook and other social media. And it’s not just information about you. You need to make sure that your Profile Represents You  and how you serve your clients.

Digital Marketing System

Learn how to use platforms like Facebook Ad Manager, Google Adwords, SEO and more to your advantage. Figure out how to design the Perfect Funnels to put your Lead Generation on Serious Automation

How to Craft Hypnotic Content

Delivering your Million Dollar Message by learning how to write copy that sells and captures your Audience's Attention. Content that engages with your audience because you are talking to the right people, at the right time, about the right stuff!

Lea​​​d Generation Systems

Marketing needs to be effectively managed when the Leads Start to Flow. Converting leads into customers takes efficiency and dedicated action. These tools make it possible to Amplify your Offering and Close more Leads.

Bonus Courses - Digital Marketing Acceleration

Profile Accelerate

Who you are and what you represent is the only Discovery you need to become an Attraction Agent that puts your business into overdrive. Being Authentic is the true Magnetic Force at work here.

Design The Path

After fully understanding the foundation and platform, What Do You Do Now? You still need a workable strategy and it's here that we dive deep into designing the next 12 months action plan...

Executing the Strategy

Effective Execution comes down to a few simple measures that clear the obstacles and place your Digital Marketing into Automation, so you can generate quality leads while  you focus on the prize.

Interested and want to speak to someone?

© 2017 RDA Real Digital Agent  |   All rights Reserved  |  Disclaimer

DISCLAIMER: The success stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand our results are not always typical, We are not implying you’ll replicate them (or succeed at all for that matter).  The average person who buys the usual  “how to” information gets little to no results. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.
